Monday, February 21, 2011

Tachileik To Kyaingtong half ways

TO.intro the world explorers from tachileik district of myanmar tachileik is in eastern shan sate  i born and grown up here in myanmar shan state is the largest state with so many mountains make beautiful senery  and  have cool weather than  other pleases .you can also say .Tachileik is the knownen as golden traingle city for very close to the boarders of Thailand laos and on Myanmar .witch looked like triangle ,also famous because of other  extend visa, many  visitor are  to Tachileik and usaully make one day visit they interest more,they can stay two weeks in this golden traingle city. if you already had planned you can go to the Yangon form Tachileik,. form Tachileik ,many tourrist are visiting to kyaing tong and mong lar .kyaing tong is the historical town of shan state .long long a go 1990 shan prince  ruled the whole shan state from kyaing tong town  .the area of shan atate is almost even with the area of germany  country and the largest state in myanmar.